Whelping Cycle of Dog's
The Whelping Cycle of Dogs.
None of the information presented here is in any way meant to replaced
veterinary advice. Whenever in doubt, consult your vet.
(The Breeder) HD
For OWNERS: Notes on whelping bitches! The Whelping Cycle of Dogs.
Uhrheber, nicht bekant.
The average gestation period for the dog is 60 - 65 days the normal being 63 days. If the the puppies are born before 58 days the chances for survival are not good: if the bitch has not had the puppies by 65 days you should consult your veterinarian. (? you may have the mating dates wrong ).
Labour is roughly divided into three stages:
Stage 1. This stage normally last from 4 - 20 hours. The bitch will exhibit rest-less-nes, nest making, panting, refusal of food. Abdominal contractions are not seen in this phase. The loss of foetal fluids ( breaking of waters ), is very irregular in occurrence and " timing" and is only of limited help in evaluating the of labour.
Stage 2. This stage is recognised as beginning when the bitch commences straining. Fluids are lost intermittently and the bitch repeatedly turns to clean herself. The first puppy is usually born within one hour of the onset of meaningful straining but it can be as little as 20 minutes and up to 2 hours.
NB: It is very important to note the time of commencement of straining so you know when and if veterinary assistance is required. The interval between births consist of resting and straining. The time period between pups is from 10 - 40 minutes. A common pattern is for the bitch to produce 2 - 3 pups at short intervals resting for 1 - 3 hours before continuing.
The birth of a large litter may occupy 24 hours or so but if no excessive effort is required for each birth the dam should not become unduly timed. The afterbirth / placenta is usually eaten by the bitch, a bitch with a good mothering behaviour will clean and nurse her whelps between successive birth and keep the whelping area clean as well.
Stage 3. The final afterbirths are expelled, the bitch becomes relaxed indicating the termination of whelping and often goes to sleep. If you are at all worried that all the pups might not have been borne, contact your veterinarian.
When To call for Veterinary assistance.
Where whelping is proceeding normally the bitch should be left undisturbed until all the pups are delivered and are sucking. Helmut the Breeder re-comment: The bitch got NO Milk! Help is on the way ->Click on below
Or you should however consult your vet surgeon: !!
1.) If more than 2 hours have elapsed from the start of straining and no pup has been produced.
2.) If more than 2 hours elapsed between pups ( note time of each arrival) .
3.) If a large pup becomes stuck halfway and the bitch can't deliver it within 15 minutes.
4.) If a pup has not suckled within 3 hours of birth.
5.) If the "Water bag" bursts and there is no activity after 2 hours.
REMEMBER; we are always happy to answer any questions you may have or if you are at all worried that everything is not going as you thing it should during the whelping do not hesitate to contact your closest vet !
More information if needed! (no Milk?)
Agalactia (No Milk)
If milk production does not get going, a single dose of Urtica urens 30 will stimulate it. (If there is reason later to limit it, Urtica urens 1x every six hours will be required.) If there is not enough milk and artificial feeds have to be given, a mother's milk substitute is chosen that is available in powder form, needing only to be dissolved. Should this not be available, the following well-proven formula may be used for the first three weeks:
¼ liter of whole milk at 38°C/100°F
1/8 liter of weak chamomile tea
3 or 4 tablespoonfuls’ cream
a pinch of lime
2 drops of Vigantol Vitamin
a sugar cube.
We use a graduated bottle, from the chemist's, and take great care to see that the hole in the teat is so small that the pups have to suck really hard. If the hole is too large, too much milk at once gets into the mouth to be adequately mixed with saliva, resulting in gastrointestinal hours, also at night. Attention must also be paid to quantity, for the small stomach should not be overloaded (5-lO g). The stools of the newborn are yellow and mushy, and it is important to know that the bitch triggers the excretory reflex by licking the anus.The pup needs to be cared for in this respect, too: the anus has to be massaged in a circular motion with an oiled finger, until elimination has occurred. The chamomile tea may be omitted after the first five days, and from the third or fourth week onwards cereal products are added and the pups are introduced to their food bowl.
Excess Lactation:
If the pups for some reason do not require all the available milk and it is still freely flowing when
they have had enough, Urtica urens 6x, given several times daily, will stop milk production. !!
they have had enough, Urtica urens 6x, given several times daily, will stop milk production. !!
Pyometra (Uterine Infection)
A justifiably dreaded condition seen in older bitches is metritis, inflammation of the uterus. it of tens occurs after oestrus, but may also develop days or weeks later. The form of metritis known as pyometra provides an excellent illustration of the valuable service homeopathy is able to render. Hourly Pulsatilla 4x or 6x will cause a 'fountain' to flow that will cleanse the uterus from the considerable volume of secretions it contains and bring about a cure. Lachesis, Pyrogenium and Echinacea angustifolia given in addition will deal with the dangerous infection. In bad cases (do not hesitate to contact your vet.)
Disclaimer: The information provided in this website is for educational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for sound health care advice. We are not liable for any adverse effects or consequences resulting from the use of any information, suggestions, presented .Always consult a qualified Vet health care professional in all meters pertaining to your dogs (pet’s) physical emotional and mental health.