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This page contains contact information for all the members of Projects. Or approved
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Lindas Yorkshire Terrier-ready for showing

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Promoting Responsible Dog Ownership

The Yorkshire Terrier was created around the middle of the 19th Century by crossing a number of Terrier varieties that existed at that time. This was done around the middle to north of England, especially in the County of Yorkshire, hence the name Yorkshire Terrier.
The "early" Yorkshire Terriers could be as large as 6kgs (14 lbs.) and were used, like other Terrier breeds, to kill rats. Over the time breeders produced a smaller, more beautiful dog that was a household pet and show dog, rather than a rat killer.
When considering a dog, please realize that you are taking it on for its lifetime. Yorkshire Terriers can live up to 16 years of age and occasionally even older.
     Yorkshire Terriers generally weigh  
 from 1.8 kg (4 lbs) to 3.2 kg (7 lbs).

  Blue Schleife-bare

Yorkshire Terrier puppy -ten

Blue Schleife-bare

The Yorkshire Terrier is the smallest Terrier breed of dog that is most commonly seen in the World.
They are very efficient for his size as a guard dogs and will not miss a sound of someone approaching.
Yorkie’s do not necessarily have to live in a house with a big garden! The Yorkshire Terrier adapts very well to a flat, provided there is enough room for all the exercise he needs. Remind you they must be taken out often and given some good long walks.
Feel free to have a look around on this Website and contact me if you would like more information! About me,
and Shirepixie Yorkshire Terriers

ALL the information is now just a mouse click away! ^
Here are some links to other sites that I have enjoyed. I hope you enjoy them too.
Puppies available-->  Puppy Button NOW (?)  05/10/2024  /   Ph: 0434 599266   

Blue Schleife-bare
Best Yorkshire Terrier Journal

Best Yorkshire Terrier Journal!

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Consider support our Club


Yorkshire Terrier puppies 4 Sale!

Our websites also will be able to give you information about available puppies (or send them a E:mail), where you can see the breed and speak to breeders. In this way you will gain a better perspective of the breed and its needs.
Ph: 0406043137

Consider joining our Club

Membership is per financial year.
Please print and complete our club's
2024 - 2025
membership form.-->

The form can be returned by mail with a cheque
to the club secretary,

or membership can be paid by direct credit and
completed membership form scanned
and returned by email to YTCNSW@hotmail.com

AUSILK -Yorkshire Terriers

We look after our Silky and Yorkshire Terriers just like you do  

The Silky & Yorkshire Terrier is not suited to being an outdoor dog only. Ideal owner/s
Those who require a family companion and are prepared to have a dog living indoors or in the enclosed backyard most of the times.

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We enjoy our Silky & Yorkshire Terriers,   as they will add spice to anyone.s life.

Ausilk Silky Headers -Yorkshire Terrier's

A Dog makes more friends than man because he wages his tail, not his tounque

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