The Downside of Inbreeding: "Line breeding"
The Downside of Inbreeding: "Line breeding"
"Line breeding"
This particular matter has often been discussed, and below is a chart which has been especially prepared for students of line breeding. By adhering to strict methods of selection, it is possible by using one sire and one dam to "line breed" for a period of 17 years.
Dam:----------------- Sire:----------------
Breeding Diagram of dog's
21/32 Blood 21/32 Blood to original Sire & Dam
Male No.2 mated with Female No.1. produces Group No.3. Male No.2 mated with Female from Group 3
produces Group No.5.
produces Group No.5.
Male No.2 mated with Female from Group 5 produces Group No.8. Male from Group 3 mated with Female No.1
produces Group No.4.
produces Group No.4.
Male from Group No. 5 mated with Female from Group No. 4 produces Group No. 7.
Male from Group No. 6 mated with Female from Group No. 4 produces Group No. 9.
Male from Group No. 7 mated with Female from Group No. 6 produces Group No. 10.
Male from Group No. 8 mated with Female from Group No. 6 produces Group No. 11.
Male from Group No. 8 mated with Female from Group No. 5 produces Group No. 13.
Male from Group No. 8 mated with Female from Group No. 7 produces Group No. 12.
Male from Group No. 9 mated with Female from Group No.11 produces Group No. 14.
Male from Group No.12 mated with Female from Group No. 9 produces Group No. 15.
Male from Group No.12 mated with Female from Group No.10 produces Group No. 16.
Male from Group No.13 mated with Female from Group No.10 produces Group No. 17.
Male from Group No.13 mated with Female from Group No.11 produces Group No. 18.
The Downside of Inbreeding: "Line breeding" ??
Inbreeding has been the rule in dog breeding for the better part of two centuries.
Now It's Time for a New Approach:
Now It's Time for a New Approach:
Please read the article in the November 2006. Queensland Dog World, Page 13
"Inbreeding was once a valuable tool in shaping today's breeds. As these have now reached a high degree of homogeneity, it has lost its importance and turned into a fatal and disastrous habit." - Hellmuth Wachtel, PhD.
By, Isabel M. Gordon
Perhaps the time has come to re-examine the term "show dog". The words themselves imply that the dogs' purpose is merely to look good. Unfortunately, some breeders have embraced this misnomer as their breeding objective.
If that statement disturbs you, as it should, the following will shock (if not embarrass) you. I am not addressing the "Backyard Breeders" from whom we have all learned not to expect too much. My comments are directed to those whose names have the same effect in Yorkie or Silky's - doom as E.F.Hutton has on Wall Street; the ones to whom we refer potential puppy buyers after warning against the small honest breeder or "Backyard Bogeymen" The fact that recently some of our most respected "show lines" have demonstrated serious genetic defects and tendencies is in itself an indictment of some reputable breeders. But in all fairness, we all stand accused of allowing our quest for the "living standard" to overshadow our original cause; the betterment of the breed. We share collective guilt, if not for our actions then for our inaction as we stand by silently watching our colleagues breeding for the ring to the exclusion of all other considerations. So, how do we differ from those mini; mills we look down on? In some cases, not very much. (With the possible exception of the credibility lent by show stats and club affiliations.)I guess we all know the truth, but few admit this openly. Instead, we whisper our impressions or cover up our weaknesses in a breeding program. But now. The Devil has come to take his due. What do we say to a puppy buyer who calls his/her breeder, upset because after spending $1500 on vet bills, a puppy.' dog has died of a congenital defect? In defense can a breeder say "His father is a B.I.S.W winner and he can talk!" or "His mother has 500 BOB's" or how about "I'm sorry about your dog, but didn't he have a coat to die for? " Unfortunately, he did! And none of those fancy titles made a bit of difference. Those of you who are at this very moment shaking your heads in denial know that questionable breeding practices DO take place, sometimes with sad results for pet owners and fellow breeders as well. It is true that ALL bloodlines have the potential for various defects, but that is where the Breeders skill full choice of sire or dam can make the difference. Anyone can breed two dogs and produce puppies. However, it takes care and sacrifice to produce quality puppies We can never hope to purge the breed of all defects!, but through selective breeding we can work to stack the "genetic deck" more in our favor over the years. This basic principal of responsible breeding has, in some cases been lost in the vast collection of ribbons, trophies and prestige. Whatever the reason, the effects are the same. Caring breeders and loving pet owners are meeting on common ground they share; the place they come to bury their darling little charges and their sorrows. To the breeders of these "Trojan Doggies", I say it's time to get on with the true business at hand — the improvement, refinement and above all the safeguarding of our breed as a whole. It is very likely that I have displeased a few, perhaps surprised or embarrassed some. Good! Maybe that is what we need every now and then, a little shaking up. Granted after the final tremors, we may find a few pedestals will stand empty, but only those whose hold was weak. Thankfully however, we will find many standing. Those who through the years have stood as true bastions of the breed and who will hopefully continue to do so for many years to come.
I have to apologize to re print this article, but thanks to M. Gordon every honest good Breeder should read this before his next selective mating. Thanks Helmut. Now the good news! More about breeding ----->> #
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